About this Journal
The International Labour Review (ILR) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of international scope, which aims to advance academic research and foster informed policy debates and decision-making across a spectrum of work and employment-related disciplines. These include, but are not limited to, economics, law, industrial relations, social policy, sociology and history.
The journal prides itself on compiling and presenting the original research and analysis of world-class academics and field experts. It is committed to enriching the dialogue among the scholarly community by highlighting diverse perspectives on the ever-evolving world of work and employment.
In addition to original research articles, the ILR showcases commentaries and opinion pieces on current issues facing the global labour community and critical reviews of recent significant publications. These features aim to keep practitioners and researchers abreast of the latest trends and discussions pertinent to work and employment studies.
Established in 1921 by decision of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Governing Body, the ILR is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish and is administered by the ILO Research Department.
Cover Image: © Marcel Crozet / ILO
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